I aim to teach ADHDers that peace is possible, and to empower them to take care of themselves through movement, breath, and the occasional f-bomb 💣

This place is for all the scattered messes out there who are JUST keeping their heads above water. Who slept in, lost their keys, made coffee and left it on the counter, forgot deodorant, and fell down an internet rabbit hole. This is a place to embrace who you are, to learn new skills and practice old ones; to energize your body and stimulate your mind, and to remember: You are not alone. That is the power of yoga. And if you have your act together, you are wholeheartedly welcome here too. You are all valued.

Welcome, you beautiful disaster, you. Now get your ass in class!

$110 CAD/1-hour or $100/session for 12 sessions

ADHD Coaching

My job is to help you challenge your thoughts and process your emotions so you can do the shit you truly want to do!

Schedule a free coaching consultation below!
Yoga Library
$12.97/30 Days CAD

Stream Library of Yoga Classes

A monthly recurring payment for library access and occasional member benefits.

- Access to a library of 200+ classes, mindfulness practices, and tutorials.

- Exclusive Slack community of ADHDers with resources and support.